Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I'm changing my posting days

So I know that I said that I would post something every Wednesday. But, as it turns out, Thursday would be a lot better. The point being that I will now be posting on Thursdays.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

5th Wave Review, By Rick Yancey no spoilers

Sorry I didn’t write last week. I had a paper due. Anyway this week I’m going to be reviewing The 5th wave. Since the movie has come out.
So I read this book over christmas last year. Which is good because over christmas break I got 14 books. I give the 5th wave 5 stars. You know how most books set in apocalyptic settings are either post-apocalyptic or pre-apocalyptic. There are the occasional few set in the apocalyptic, which is what the 5th wave is set in. There are twist and turns throughout the series, but I’ve only read the first 2 books, since the third hasn’t come out yet. But one the bright side it does come out this month.
Ok sorry, I just went out on one of my rants. So this is a strange book, well the way it’s told is strange. It’s told in both first person and third person. In first person is told by Cassiopia or Cassie. She meets Evan Walker.
In third person the narrator focuses on a few people but mainly on Evan Walker and Ben Parish. Both of which Cassie likes. Oh sorry I just spoiled somethings.
Long story short I loved this. I read it while me and my family were opening presents. I’m not saying you should do that. I’m just saying, this was a great book.